Saturday, March 17, 2012

Are you a Latter Day Saint

As we go through life and the trials that come along with it, we sometimes begin to get discouraged and frustrated. We get so caught up in the world that sometimes we lose sight of who we truly are, and sometimes it takes a complete stranger to remind us.

So this one time. . .

After weeks of stress I found myself exhausted, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. My motivation to press forward was dwindling and I fought to keep a smile to show the world. I hit that point where I just had to get away from it all, escape my reality even for just a moment, so I bought a plane ticket to Hawaii. My best friend is living there and if there was ever a moment in my life I needed a friend it was now.
The trip was perfect, exactly what I needed. But there was one moment in particular that stood out immensely,
Destiny and I were riding on TheBus to another part of the island, it was just another day. It had rained and was slightly cold, so we were dressed in long pants and jackets - just like everyone else. There was nothing about us that should make us stand out among the other passengers that day yet something did. As we were riding and talking I noticed a man on TheBus who had been making conversation with some of the other passengers, was suddenly focused on us, feeling slightly uncomfortable I tried to ignore his stare yet I could feel it piercing through me as if he were looking deep inside us. Once again I glanced his direction and upon our eyes meeting he said,
"Are you girls Latter Day Saints?"
The question kind of threw me because I had never heard someone ask it quite like that, yet we pleasantly responded that we were. He smiled and said,
"You look like Latter Day Saints."
That sentence struck me, there was nothing about my appearance that should have stood out that day but I was reminded of the countenance that shines within us as members of the church. This stranger reminded me that I am a Latter Day Saint, I am a Daughter of God, and I am never alone in my trials. Chances are I will never see that man again, but I will never forget the message he taught; this man was not a member of the church, but he did not have to be to recognize the light of Christ burning within us. This simple reminder gave me the strength and courage to press on in faith through my afflictions. God is watching out for each one of us, and He sends us 'ordinary angels' that can bless our lives in extraordinary ways if we open our hearts to allow them to do so.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Daddy's Little Girl

My whole life I have always been a Daddy's Girl, and for those who know my dad can you blame me? He is seriously the greatest in the whole wide world! Don't believe me? I can prove it.

So this one time. . .

I woke up late for work and was in a mad rush to get all my stuff together and all ready for my day, and I literally mean a MAD rush! I won't even lie when I am in a hurry, stressed out, and still tired I am not someone you want to spend time with - in fact it is usually better to just avoid me all together. This day in particular though I was especially ornery, and to add to my pleasant attitude I discovered not only was I already late but there was 3 inches of snow outside which meant now I would have to scrape off my car - only to make me more late! You can imagine it was not one of my best mornings. 
My dad woke up, came into the kitchen where I was eating breakfast and wished me a 'good morning' in my hurry I hardly even acknowledged him at all, then he disappeared to the garage and I continued in my chaos. Once I had finally got completely ready and packed everything I needed to take with me for the day I walked outside to take on the task the snow had presented, where I found the driveway shoveled, my car scraped off and heated, and my dad. I had been so rude in my haste to get ready, I didn't deserve his kindness, yet he gave it to me.
This may seem like a small act to some but to me it meant the world. It was ALL that he could do to lift my burden and ease my stress, which got me thinking. How often our Father in Heaven blesses us when we may not be the most deserving. Regardless of whether we say our prayers each morning he still watches out for us. He still does ALL that he can do to lift our burdens and ease our pains. Don't be in such a hurry that we let the small and simple acts go unnoticed. 
Dad I love you! Thank you for always doing so much for me everyday, even when I am ornery and don't deserve it. Please know that those things don't go unnoticed. I am truly thankful for all you do for me, and for the constant example you are of our Savoir. Through this one simple act you helped my testimony grow, and I will be forever grateful that I was blessed with you as a Father. Like I said I have the best dad in the whole wide world and I will always be his little girl.   

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Stand As A Witness

This one time. . .
I was at work, and it happened to be a Sunday. A man came in to order a pizza and as I was making his order we started talking.
"Do you go to West High? Or are you from around here?"
"No I actually live in West Jordan, but I graduated last year. I did a year up at Weber State University, but now I am just back home."
"My wife went to Weber, it is a good school. So you doing school down here now?"
"Ya, my plan is to finish my Business Degree at the LDS Business College."
The atmosphere in the store immediately changed.
"Oh so you are a Mormon"
He went on to say how terrible "us Mormons" are, blaming us for the Nations recession, and all manner of awful and ridiculous accusations, then he says, "If I were you I wouldn't be going around tellin' people I'm a Mormon, not like that's something to be proud of."
"I am not ashamed of what I believe! I am proud to be a Mormon!"
He was silent for a moment. By this time I had his pizza finished.
"Alright I have your pizza ready for you. . ."
"I don't want that pizza."
"I'm sorry, is there something wrong with it Sir?"
"I can't take pizza from a Mormon."
"Would you like us to make you another pizza?"
"Well. . . I guess this one will be ok, can't be THAT good of a Mormon if you are working on Sunday"
"Well thank you so much for coming in, have a great day."
This was the first time in my life I had ever been verbally attacked because of my religious beliefs, I was hurt and appalled that someone could be so prejudice against me without knowing me at all. I was at a serious crossroad because here was a man attacking the core foundation of who I am, and while I want to defend my beliefs I am still at work and I have stay professional. I was not about to give this man the satisfaction that he had hurt me, smiling at this man and thanking him for his service was one of the hardest things I have ever done however when he looks back at that day he will remember a 19 year old girl who was not afraid or ashamed to say that she a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints, and even though those beliefs were under attack he still received quality and friendly service. Standing as a witness at ALL times and in ALL things and in ALL places is not always an easy task, yet as a member of the church we must understand that we are a constant representation of our Lord Jesus Christ. What would He have done? Jesus Christ never limited His love and miracles to the believers, it was for everyone. That man is a son of our Heavenly Father, I hope and pray that by my example and faith he will come to understand that a little bit more and feel our Saviors atoning love.

I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father, who loves me and I love him. I will stand as a witness of God at all times, and in all things and in all places.